Order Tests

Please complete the requisition form. See detailed information here on the tests provided. For questions about different assays, please contact the laboratory from Monday - Friday 7:00 AM to 4 PM. We are not open on the weekend.

For "pitted RBC count" test, see this requisition form

Sample Collection:

The requistion form includes information for the requisition of clinical diagnostic tests performed by the Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory. Please carefully read the sample collection and shipping instructions, and label the collection tubes clearly.

Procedures for Collection, Handling and Mailing of Whole Blood Specimens:

Blood Specimen Collection:
  • Blood specimen obtained via a venipuncture.
  • Collect a minimum of 0.6 -2 ml whole blood into a 3 or 5 ml size purple top EDTA tube. 
  • Immediately invert the tube several times to ensure complete mixing of blood with anticoagulant in the tube.
  • Label the tube with the patient’s ID number and collection date.

Blood Specimen Packaging:
  1. Label all specimens with the patient’s name, date of birth, date of collection. (If the specimen is a source other than blood, please make a separate note of this and provide your contact information)
  2. Insert the specimen tubes into a BIOHAZARD Ziplock plastic bag with absorbent material (e.g. paper towel) and seal.
  3. Insert the sealed plastic bag into the mailing case. Cap the mailing case closed.
  4. Ship specimen (overnight) to the address below.
  5. Please call the Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory if you have any questions about specimen collection or mailing: 510-450-7688.


Attn: Shabnam Tavassoli, Supervisor
Hemoglobinopathy Reference Laboratory
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 450-7688